Thursday, June 30

And the Heavens Opened Up

This rain is great. It is bucketing down. It hasn't stopped all day. It's so loud - on my roof, the wind in the trees, the pouring down the gutter, the overflowing storm drains, car tyres on wet asphalt.

Did we need it!!!! But unfortunately alot of it is running straight down our drains and into & onto our harbour and beaches and ultimately straight out of our lives. It seems so ridiculous in this country we're not using modern practices and methods of water conservation. Europe has been doing it for over 20 years.

I had to go out earlier, the rain had eased up and was just sprinkling. 2 minutes in - a storm started increasing the rain 50 fold and the wind blew it horizontally. At that precise moment I looked down only to realise both pairs of shoelaces are undone and hanging in the puddles of water everywhere. I tried to do them up still holding the umbrella over my head - with the handles stuck between my legs as I squatted down. In the end I just folded the umbrella up. On arrival back home I inspected my clothes. The jeans were soaked from the knee down, and the jacket was entirely wet.


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