Wednesday, July 5

Moods Swinging in the Breeze

What a funk I was in yesterday. I felt so flat and like hibernating. I then forced myself to go for a walk when the rain had stopped and the sun was shining and I knew it would be good for me - and it was - my mood lightened, I was smiling at the black cockatoos, and the squawking sulphur crested ones and babies passing me in prams and the huge puddles everywhere provided endless scope for imaginery worlds and new perspectives and I'd felt the shift I'd been searching for all day.

This morning I got up to watch the Germany-Italy game and just wasn't there in spirit and ended back up in bed soon after. And when JD called me, telling me the latest bad news about himself now being very ill with some weird stomach virus (perhaps the same one FD has) my inane questioning about who'd won the game was weakly answered with "well, the streets are very quiet here which means we probably lost". He is completely weak and dehydrated and not himself at all. I can't help but feel that something is stopping him from getting on a plane to come home.

So with this added distraction to start today, and this feeling of helplessness and distance from JD I seriously couldn't have asked for nicer outcomes. A girlfriend dropped in with her young son for tea, and then I met my nieces and sister for a spot of whale watching. It was so brilliant! There was a pod of at least 6 whales, probably more it was hard to tell, and they slowly made their way past - which took about an hour. They were close and they were playful. They were breaching and creating enormous splashes. I've seen a lot of whales before but this was simply the best I've seen. My photos will never represent how amazing it was but here's one.

Hooray good news - just spoke with JD and even though he had the most revolting night, he has been able to keep water down for the past hour and is feeling more human but still not great. Phew. But I can't relax until I know he's better and know exactly what's happening with his Dad.


Blogger kimbofo said...

Hope it all works out OK, Dani. It sounds a bit stressful and depressing.

Lovely pics as always.

7:03 pm  
Blogger Michelle said...

WOW!!! Seeing those Whales would put anyone in a good mood!!

Lucky you!!

7:04 pm  
Blogger lisa solomon said...

such a contrast... words and images....

still hoping for the best... keep walking my friend!!!

2:04 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope your psyche matches & catches up with your awesome pics soon! hope everything goes well healthwise as well...miss you at the spc this week! gay

7:10 am  
Blogger s_hayley said...

Yep. I'm a big believer in the power of a walk.

I love the light falling on the grass. The shift from black to verdant green really does it for me.

8:25 am  

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