Tuesday, June 27


Nil all is better than being behind at half time, but we've had some scares. Alot of them in fact. Australia look good but so do Italy. We've had way more possession though but when Italy had the ball they seriously did more with it.

Good luck Australia, my fingers and toes are crossed!


I'm not changing the title of this post despite the fact that Australia were beaten. Not so much as beaten by the better team but by over the top and ourageously inconsistent officialdom. It seems that there really should have been more penalties given during the game if the lunge by Neill was considered unfair play. Go figure.

Bravo Australia - it was another brilliant game played and I'm so sad you guys didn't get to leave the competition in the manner you deserved.

You're all winners to me!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so proud of the socceroos but oh so disappointed. :(

10:45 am  

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