Wednesday, February 8

The Big Freeze

When I lived in Germany, I usually escaped the winter there for 1-2 months and came home to Sydney - to the beach, to the heat, to the mangoes and avocadoes - to my family and friends. February ended up being the month I loathed the most. It seemed endless, it was colder, it was real winter set in, it was almost unbearable, it was grey and it was the same colour light all day.

It was all of the above, but maybe it was climate-shock, post-holiday blues, homesickness all wrapped up into one. Maybe I just didn't know how to notice the beauty of the hibernation because I was too involved with other feelings.

In hindsight and with distance it is easier for me to see the beauty of winter and with this post I want to remember some good things, show sympathy for the comrades back in Germany enduring this deep winter (minus 15 at night these days) and share with you some more images from my latest trip back there.


Blogger Heather said...

Stunning. You are an awesome photographer!!

9:22 am  
Blogger frech said...

it's my third winter in finland. first i found it exciting. darkness and grumpyness were not glued to eachother as so many people say. this year, knowing that spring is still so far away, i am having a hard time. knowing that there is summer on the other side, makes it bearable. thanks for sharing this in words and beautiful pictures!

viele liebe grĂ¼sse, ac

4:07 am  
Blogger Michelle said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog.

You take the most fantastic photos!!

I have to agree with Feb. being the worst month in the Northern Hemisphere!! I lived there for many years and was always depressed in Feb. Even my birthday at the end of Feb. was depressing and it was all because of the grey!! I could handle the cold....but the grey was horrible!!!

3:40 pm  

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