A Saturday in March

Stumbled on to "Dogdays" or Hundestage by Ulrich Seidl last night on SBS - what a film! and couldn't stop watching. Amazing cinematography. Some of the early scenes are so hilarious, and so tragic and just so simply beautifully shot I was sucked in right like that. And the relentless heat theme hanging over the people reminded me of "Do The Right Thing", another brilliant film. I won't go into all the different sub-plots as there are about 6 parallel stories - but it's described as a "pornographic exposition of human despair". It's about dysfuntionality of the alliance between the sexes; alienation as people become divorced from the natural flow of nature by the industrial landscapes they inhabit; the ordinary & mundane; loneliness & desperation; exhibitionism & cruelty. A serious must-see and apparently it won the Venice Film Festival in 2002 if that tells you anything.

It definitely is Autumn, because I filled another bag today full of leaves. Replanted 2 yucca's and did general housey maintenance stuff. And why do all my light bulbs blow when JD is away?

Enjoyed the beach minus the glare of the sun this afternoon. The sand was so nice and warm underfoot and so was the water temperature but the sky was filled with clouds with some big black ones building up down south looking like thye might be heading our way soon, hopefully.
I love these images, they tell a great story
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