Friday, August 11

Keep on the Move

I know I know I'm a sucker for a cliche sunset....but I just can't help but love and honour Mother Earth and her natural beauty.

JD left work early so we started our walk before sunset - a good thing because it was getting pretty icy cold out there.

Walk this way.....

.....and I did.

The sun had set and the tide was coming in and the poor seagulls even seemed cold.

I feel a bit crappy this morning. Another bad night's sleep. And my back is aching. For the past few months my back has been steadily getting worse. I thought it might be to do with our mattress not being turned often enough - it's too heavy for me to do alone and I've been waiting for JD to come back - so the first couple of nights were back pain, but last night was awful. Every time I moved position in bed my back ached and it woke me up. I don't know how people live like this - back pain ist SCHEISSE!!!!!! I don't know whether it's origin is in sitting too long at this computer, my desk being too high for me, not stretching enough and haven't done yoga for almost a year, aging, or the mattress. I feel best when I'm being active or walking. Enough whinging I'm boring myself and I need to get up and stretch now.


Blogger dani said...

the sand at bondi is beautiful and soft....and the these are little seagull imprints - so cute.

9:42 am  

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