Go all the Way Dude
Yes he's into the last 16.
And the jazz guitarist Wolfgang Muthspiel.
Photo by Robert Lewis
I just had the thought to browse through his site and
discovered that he is coming back down here later this
year to do concerts with Slava Grigoryan. He's doing
concerts all over the country so if you're into this kind
of thing check him out. Alternatively if you live in Europe
he pretty much travels all over the place all year and I
can highly recommend catching this dude.
The world is not in good shape at all.
In this latest report from Amnesty International, it is accusing many governments around the world including our own, of abandoning the committment to human rights in the so called "war against terror".
The first part of the night was really interesting with Margaret Throsby interviewing Bill Leak. He is such a character and really entertaining (just like how he used to hold the floor at the old Sports Bar in Bondi years ago) - and obviously one of our best artists.